Somewhere Else
Somewhere Else

Welcome to Somewhere Else website.

Final dates

The very last breadmaking sessions at Somewhere Else will take place on:

 - Thursday 23 May at the usual time of 10.30am

 - Friday 24 May a 'Creative Loafing' session will be held 5.30 - 9pm.

We hope that you can join us to commemorate the end of this amazing ministry.

Farewell service

 - Thursday 13 June, a farewell service for SWE at 11m.  All are welcome.


Regretfully, Somewhere Else (SWE) – the Bread Church has had to make the decision to close permanently.

This has not been an easy journey for either the SWE leadership or the Emmaus circuit, but a combination of factors has resulted in this decision being the only option open to us.

Much prayerful discernment over several months by the leadership team has already led to conversations with facilitators and many community members. It is time now to let the wider diaspora know. We are all sad to see this important city centre ministry ending after almost 25 years of pioneering work but hope that in the future a new Methodist ministry will be enabled in Liverpool City Centre to work alongside all those in our community, but especially the marginalised, whom we have served in the past.

We recognise that this news will bring up varied emotions including, for many, feelings of loss. We would like to invite you to share a memory or two to help us work through this together. Please send your memories to We will collate and share them over the coming weeks.

SWE has never been about the building, but always about the people, with the influence of this, always fragile, community reaching across the world as well as here in the Liverpool District. Our recipe of offering an experience of Christ through the outrageous hospitality of baking and sharing bread has been transformational for so many who have crossed our threshold.

We have been deeply humbled and honoured to walk alongside so many people on their personal journey, whether they spent one day with us, stayed awhile on placement, or returned over and over again.

We thank you for your past support and ask for your prayers in this, the last part of the Bread Church’s life. The fellowship and friendships we have encountered over the years are amazing.


From CoSWE, The Community of Somewhere Else

We're an inclusive community



The community of SWE welcomes all to bake bread and share fellowship.

NO NEED TO BOOK A PLACE. ALL ARE WELCOME. Lift is now in operation. 


However, if you intend to bring a group new to baking, then please phone/email to let us know, so that we can organise enough helpers. Thank you.


Check out our Same Loaf, New Wrapper page to find out about the new Emmaus Circuit that we are now a part of.


Do scroll through the other pages; to see how we normally work.  We look forward to welcoming you to Somewhere Else.


If you need to contact SWE, then email or phone  +44 74 9873 6436 or 0151 706 0155.


Who Are We?

Somewhere Else (also known as The Bread Church) is an inclusive community that  meets around the making and sharing of bread. We offer a warm welcome, hospitality and friendship to those of all faiths and none. We are part of the Emmaus Circuit of Liverpool Methodist Church District. This is a brand new circuit of non-geographic missional communities, gathering together and supporting "non-traditional churches and groups."  Follow the link to read about "same loaf, new wrapper" and what the circuit has been doing.


We are open twice weekly, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10.30 am - 2.00 pm to make bread  by hand, with individuals and community groups of all ages and abilities.  The sessions include time for:

  • all the elements of making bread,
  • conversation and refreshments,
  • shared reflection and prayers, and
  • a simple meal together, prepared by volunteers and those who come to make bread.  

Anyone wishing to make bread is asked to arrive by 11a.m.  To share in other parts of the fellowship - coffee, conversation, Reflections and lunch - people arrive at any time from mid-morning onwards.


The activity is usually led by our team of volunteers who help with hospitality, and guide visitors through the steps in bread-making. 

All our volunteers, known as facilitators, have undergone a 5 session training programme which includes food hygiene as well as safeguarding.


Check this website or our facebook page to keep up to date.

The Bread Church - Emmaus Methodist Church Community in Liverpool City Centre

Welcome to The Bread Church - find out what to expect at Bold Street

News and events

News and events from around the Connexion of the Methodist church and from friends of SWE.


What our visitors say

Read some of the  messages from our visitors' book.

A typical day

The atmosphere at the breadchurch is very special.

The Cloud Room

Robert has created a beautiful display.

Prayers for Today 2023


Be thou my vision,

O Lord of my heart

Naught be all else to me

Save that thou art

Thou my best thought

By day or by night

Waking or sleeping,

Thy presence my light.




Please follow this link for the daily prayer. Thank you for joining our community in prayer since lockdown. You can also join the community in prayer on our Facebook page every Tuesday and Thursday at 8 pm.



Praying the breakthrough prayer

A prayer for God to break through in the life of our churches:


God of love, God for all,
your purposes are more beautiful than we can possibly imagine.
Fill us with your Holy Spirit.
Help us let go of all that holds us back.
Open our lives and our churches to new seasons of humility and faith, of change and growth.
Shake us up with the Good News of Jesus and show us the way.



The Methodist Church in Britain's Prayer Handbook for 2023 - 2024's theme is Hidden Treasures:based on Isaiah 45:3, with further inspiration from Romans 8:22-29 and Psalm 139.


We talk easily about ‘the light of Christ’, yet truly God is at work in the darkness, and in the most difficult of times. It can feel challenging to follow God when the way ahead seems less clear. But we believe that God’s hidden treasures are present, often in the most unexpected places and unexpected people. While the prevailing narrative is decline, there is hidden potential for new growth in the Church and continuing to see God at work, even in the most marginalised of communities. 

Follow the link for the daily prayer.



Pause on the Positive Thoughts Page

Take time out to pause and take inspiration from our Positive Thoughts page.


Listen to a song, read a poem, psalm or passage from the Bible.


If you have any inspirational passages or songs that you think others would enjoy, then please send them to



Psalm of the week - 145



1 I will exalt you, my God the King;
    I will praise your name for ever and ever.
2 Every day I will praise you
    and extol your name for ever and ever

- from Bible Gateway

Follow this link to the Positive Thoughts page to read more about this psalm.

Listen to Shane and Shane sing this psalm in their Light of the World song.


Image Ben White on Unsplash. 



Struggling to stay focused when you pray?  Read about Finger Prayer Labyrinths on our separate page. 



Also follow a link to the same page to watch a short video about Contemplation by Rev'd Rachel Parkinson.

Grain. Gather. Grow. 2020 - 2021

Our Winter Wheat project, led by Chris is "bearing fruit" as our wheat stalks are almost ready to harvest. Do read the following pages for all that has been happening.


Turn to ...


Or read Chris's first newsletter by following this link.


January to May newsletters available here.


"Somewhere Else are very grateful to the Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Service (LCVS) for providing us with funding to support our Grain Gather Grow project. We applied for the funding from LCVS's Covid Community Impact Fund back in October and were delighted to be awarded with funds to cover the costs of the project, helping us keep in touch with our community and beyond in these difficult times."

UN Sustainability Goals

Find out more about this global initiative and how you can make a difference

on ....

Live-streamed services each Sunday

Each Sunday morning, you can join in worship from Central Hall Westminster at 11 am by following this


You can also join in worship led by the Minister of Wesley's Chapel London at 11 am



We trust that these will help you to feel connected to the wider Christian community.

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